Five simple everyday rituals that can prevent kidney stones
Kidneys are small deposits that solidify and shape in kidneys and turn into terrible pain when they move through the urinary system. However, it is essential to note that the formation of kidney stones requires medical intervention, but most of them can be avoided through effective alterations in people’s lifestyles. In this blog, Dr Nisha Gaur describes five practices that one should engage in daily to prevent the recurrent formation of kidney stones.
- Remember to Underestimate Your Sweat.
People should predictably drink water to avoid the formation of kidney stones, but they should know that sweat also influences this process. If you are a resident of a hot climate or an athlete who vigorously exercises, you will likely lose more fluids than you can imagine. Water restriction reduces the dilution of soluble substances like calcium and oxalate in the urine and so reduces the ability to prevent stone formation.
To get around this, take lots of water daily to compensate for this lost volume. It is best to drink enough to urinate at least two times to give you a clear-cut mark on how much urine output you should have. The amount was estimated to equal 125-145 ml/h or 5 liters of urine daily in men. For those who sweat more, especially athletes or those who work outside, this cushions your kidneys from forming stones because they are fully hydrated after taking so much water.
2. It’s Not Just the Oxalate
This component is called oxalate and is naturally present in food products; it is connected with the formation of several types of calculus, including calcium oxalate, which accounts for the majority of cases. However, focusing on oxalate alone is unreasonable since it may give ambiguous results. Although restricting foods high in oxalates, such as spinach, rhubarb, and nuts, should be done, many other factors should be considered.
Correct nutrition is healthy for the kidney, whereby the individual takes the right amount of nutrients in proportion. For example, potassium intake reduces the formation of stones; hence, taking foods such as bananas and oranges can be helpful. Also, it is important to note that taking magnesium in its proper proportions can lower the chances of forming stones. All in all, balanced food consumption can significantly minimize the risk of kidney stone formation.
3. Calcium is Not the Enemy.
Many people have the impression that taking calcium results in the formation of kidney stones. However, calcium is one such nutrient that plays a significant role in stopping the formation of rocks in average recommended doses. Therefore, the best way to get calcium is through diet instead of supplements. When calcium is absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream, the oxalates in the gut are bound to them and cannot be absorbed into the kidneys.
Most individuals should acquire calcium from diet foodstuffs such as dairy products, green-leaved vegetables, and fortified plant-based beverages. Calcium requirements may vary. However, it is well established that adults’ daily calcium requirement is between 1000 – 1200 milligrams. Still, seeing a doctor to know how many milligrams of calcium one should consume per day is advisable.
4. It’s Not One-and-Done
Kidney stones have a preventative measure rather than being controlled at a go. Consistency is key. The following are the health practices to adopt to keep kidneys healthy and prevent the formation of kidney stones;
Supposing that you are drinking plain water, eating proportionate meals, and keeping abreast of your calcium intake throughout the day, this takes effort to continue doing. Furthermore, other non-pharmacological considerations like weight control and conditions like hypertension also support kidney health. When done so regularly, the chances of forming these kidney stones are significantly reduced.
5. When Life Hands You Kidney Stones
Even if you fall prey to kidney stones despite following all these measures, they must be appropriately managed to avoid their recurrence. If you experience agonizing or intolerable pain, notice the presence of blood in your urine, or find yourself urinating more than once at night, you need to see a doctor. Hence if you have a particular type of stone in your body then your doctor is well placed to tell you what next step to take.
Further complementing medical management, more maintenance efforts should be applied to prevent a reoccurrence. Listen to your doctor’s instructions regarding the modifications to your diet, the intake of certain medications, and the alteration of your daily life. By being proactive about your kidney health, you will be well prepared to respond to every test.
6. Not all stones are created equal
Calculus formation in the kidneys can occur due to various crystals, these are calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric acid, and struvite. Neither type is the same, and each has its causes and prevention methods. For example, uric acid stones will be related to high levels of purine; thus, limiting red meat and seafood is beneficial. Knowing the type of stone most characteristic of you will help you develop efficient ways of preventing the formation of the specific kind of stone.
With the help of a healthcare provider, one can find out the type of stones one is prone to and prevent them. General guidelines do not necessarily consider the lifestyle factors predisposing you to form kidney stones; therefore, preventing stone formation requires specific actions toward the characteristics unique to your condition.
As its prevention, the process entails taking adequate water, keeping foods in proper proportions, and making more successive changes. It would help if you also ensured that you stayed hydrated all the time, took enough calcium in foods, and obtained many nutrients to lower kidney stone formation drastically. Remember that these habits need to be adopted, and only with proper daily duty will your kidneys be healthy in the long term. Keeping a solid relationship with a healthcare professional is helpful to mitigate stones and other related complications if stones develop. If you are facing severe Kidney Transplants, then you should consult Dr. Nisha Gaur. Dr. Nisha Gaur is the most reputed Nephrologist doctor in Jaipur and has years of work experience and is the Best Nephrologist in Jaipur for Chronic Kidney Disease Care and also for treating ailments such as Kidney Transplantation, Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and Kidney Biopsy.