Kidney Transplantation

Best Kidney Transplant Doctor in Jaipur

What is a kidney transplant?

A kidney transplant is a surgical technique used to treat renal disease. The kidneys filter waste from the blood and eliminate it from the body via urine. The kidney also aids in the maintenance of your body’s fluid and electrolyte balance. When your kidneys stop working, waste accumulates in your body, causing you to become very ill.
Dialysis is a treatment used to treat people whose kidneys have failed. When the kidneys stop working, waste accumulates in the bloodstream and is physically filtered.
Some persons with failing kidneys may be eligible for a kidney transplant. One or both kidneys are replaced in this treatment with donor kidneys from a living or deceased person.

Advantages and Disadvantages of dialysis and kidney transplants.

Dialysis is a time-consuming and labor-intensive procedure. Dialysis frequently necessitates many visits to a dialysis center to receive treatment. A dialysis machine cleans your blood at the dialysis center.
If you are a candidate for home dialysis, you will need to buy dialysis supplies and learn how to utilize them.
A kidney transplant can relieve you from long-term reliance on a dialysis machine and the associated rigorous routine. This may enable you to enjoy a more active lifestyle. Kidney transplants, however, are not for everyone. This covers persons who have active infections as well as those who are extremely overweight.
During a kidney transplant, your surgeon will remove the damaged kidneys and implant the donated kidney in your body. Even though you are born with two kidneys, you can live a healthy life with only one of them functioning. You’ll need to take immune-suppressing drugs after the transplant to keep your immune system from fighting the new organ.

Who might require a kidney transplant?

If your kidneys have completely stopped working, a kidney transplant may be an option. This is referred to as end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). If you reach this point, your doctor will almost certainly recommend dialysis. Your doctor will tell you if you are a good candidate for a kidney transplant in addition to starting you on dialysis.
To be a suitable candidate for a transplant, you must be in excellent enough condition to undergo major surgery and tolerate a stringent, lifetime medication regimen post-surgery. You must also be willing and able to follow all of your doctor’s directions and take your meds regularly.
A kidney transplant may be hazardous or unlikely to be effective if you have a major underlying medical condition. Among the serious conditions are:
  • Cancer history
  • Serious infections like tuberculosis, hepatitis, and bone infection.
  • Cardiovascular disease.
  • Liver disease
You will not be allowed for a kidney transplant if you do the following activity:-
  • Smoking
  • Drinking
  • Using Drugs
If your doctor believes you’re a good candidate for a transplant and you want to go ahead with the procedure, you’ll need to be assessed at a transplant center. This evaluation often consists of multiple visits to analyze your physical, psychological, and familial situation. The specialists at the clinic will perform blood and urine tests on you. They’ll also perform a thorough physical assessment to verify you’re in good enough health for surgery.

Who is eligible for donating a Kidney?

There are two types of donors:-
  1. Living donor
  2. Deceased Donor

Living Kidney Donors

Because the body can function normally with just one healthy kidney, a family member who has two healthy kidneys may decide to donate one of them. You can plan a scheduled donation if your family member’s blood and tissues match your blood and tissues.
A kidney transplant from a family member is a valid option. It lowers the likelihood that your body may reject the kidney and allows you to avoid the multi-year waiting list for a deceased donor.

Deceased Kidney Donors

Cadaver donors are people who have died. These are persons who died as a result of an accident rather than a disease. The donor or their family has decided to donate their organs and tissues.
An unrelated donor’s kidney is more likely to be rejected by your body. If you don’t have a family member or friend who is willing or able to donate a kidney, a cadaver organ is a good option.

How is a kidney transplant performed?

The transplant procedure is carried under general anesthesia. The procedure normally takes 2-4 hours. This is a heterotopic transplant, which means that the kidney is put in a different location than the existing kidneys. The kidneys are inserted in the pelvis, in a kidney transplant which is located in the front (anterior) region of the lower abdomen.
The original kidneys are normally not removed unless they are producing serious complications, such as unmanageable high blood pressure, frequent kidney infections, or are significantly enlarged. The artery that brings blood to the kidney and the vein that transports blood away are surgically joined to the recipient’s artery and vein that already exist in the recipient’s pelvis. The bladder is attached to the ureter, or tube that transports urine from the kidney.

What risks can occur after a Kidney Transplant?

The following complications can occur during or after the Kidney Transplant.
  • Bleeding
  • Wound healing problems
  • Infection
  • A problem in blood circulation or flow of the urine from the kidney.
  • Allergic reaction to general anesthesia.
  • Failure of a donated kidney
  • A stroke
  • A heart attack
  • A blockage in the ureter.
  • Hernia

What care should be taken care of after the kidney transplant?

Many people get a second life after a kidney transplant. There are so many new things and freedom after getting a kidney transplant. So many things are also involved after the transplant to be taken care of.
  1. Diet and exercise

If you were on dialysis just before the kidney transplant you will feel some difference that you can eat so many extra things but you need to avoid the fat and low salt in food to prevent high blood pressure. Once you get well then you can perform little exercise under the guidance of your doctor. It will be so much helpful for your heart, lungs and prevent weight gain.
  1. Medication for the immune system

If your body doesn’t respond properly to the new kidney it might lead to a big risk. This condition happens only if your immune system is too aggressive or the immune system realizes that the kidney is from someone else’s. The medications only help to cure it & these medications are known as immunosuppressant or anti-rejection medicines. They should be taken as per they are guided by the doctor in case you miss them then you should consult with your doctor, they will suggest you some anti-rejection medicines.

Why choose Dr. Nisha Gaur for kidney transplantation?

Dr. Nisha Gaur is a well-known and prominent Nephrologist in Jaipur. She has experience of 9+ years. She had successfully performed 30+ kidney transplant surgeries that include many complex and critical surgeries. Dr. Nisha Gaur does the blood test for a suitable kidney for the patient before performing a kidney transplant. Dr. Nisha Gaur performs kidney transplantation in a very effective and successful manner. For Surgery of Kidney Transplants with fewer Complications Contact  Dr. Nisha Gaur the best nephrologist in Jaipur.

Dr. Nisha has expertise in:

Kidney transplantation including ABO-incompatible transplant.
Chronic Kidney Disease and Hemodialysis
Intervention Nephrology – permanent hemodialysis catheter insertion, CAPD, Renal Biopsy
Diabetic Nephropathy
Hypertensive Nephropathy
Connective tissue disorder affecting kidney


Q:1 How much pain is suffered in a kidney transplant?
Ans- You might feel a good amount of pain and little soreness near the incision site while healing. When you are in hospital, a doctor will monitor for complications and advise you to put you on a strict schedule of immunosuppressant drugs to stop your body from rejecting new kidneys.
Q:2 For much longer will you be required to stay in hospital?
Ans- If there are no difficulties, you are required to stay in hospital for usually 4-5 days. The time period of your stay is determined by your medical condition and needs. For the duration of your hospital stay, you will be under specialist care and the next day after surgery you may be allowed to get out of bed.
Q:3 Which drugs to avoid after kidney transplant? Ans-There are so many drugs that can interact with the anti-rejection drugs given after the kidney transplant and lead to kidney graft failure. So before taking any kind of medication you need to interact with your doctor. Some of them are anticonvulsants, Anti TB – Drugs, Antifungal drugs, and Antiviral Drugs.
Q:4  Do the doctor remove the kidney during a kidney transplant? Ans-Usually the original kidneys are not removed in kidney transplants they are placed in the front part of the lower abdomen in the pelvis.
Q:5 Is kidney dialysis better or kidney transplantation?
Ans- Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Research has shown that those who had successful kidney transplants live longer in comparison to the person who has kidney dialysis.