Kidney Biopsy

Kidney Biopsy in Jaipur

What is a Kidney Biopsy?

Kidney Biopsy is a process where a doctor inserts a small needle and extracts a part of tissue for examination of a kidney to identify the cause of possible kidney problems. This test is mainly done at a hospital or outpatient clinic. Kidney Biopsy is also called Renal Biopsy.

A needle is used to extract a sample of tissue to be examined for cancer or other abnormal cells. It also aids in determining how well the kidney functions. This test is done by doctors to diagnose kidney diseases.

There are two ways in which biopsy samples can be taken and they are as follows:-


What can be the reasons for doing a kidney biopsy?

Many kidney problems are found with the blood test, urine test, a sonogram(the result we get after doing ultrasound), the other special x-rays, and a physical exam rather than a biopsy. However, if the disease cannot be discovered in the kidney using testing, a correct diagnosis must be made using a kidney biopsy to determine the exact condition.

The following are some specific reasons to perform a kidney biopsy:

  • Blood coming in urine (hematuria)
  • Protein coming in urine (proteinuria)
  • Abnormalities in blood test results
  • Without any clear cause Acute or chronic disease.
  • Nephrotic Syndrome
  • Glomerular Disease (injury to the kidney’s filtering units)

A kidney biopsy can also help diagnose the following condition:-

  • Whether an ailment is improving or getting worse as a result of treatment. It may also signify an illness that cannot be cured but can be delayed by other treatments.
  • Why a transplanted kidney isn’t performing well and assists your doctor in deciding on the next level treatment.
  • Kidney tumor.
  • Any other exceptional circumstances.
  • If a certain treatment is causing renal damage.

The reasons for the kidney biopsy should be explained to you by your healthcare provider. You should understand why it is required, the benefits, and any hazards. To ensure that you are aware of potential hazards, you will be required to sign a consent (permission) form. Before signing the consent form, make sure you understand the risks. You might want to make a list of questions about the biopsy.

What can be the possible risks of a kidney biopsy?

The dangers of a kidney biopsy are relatively low, but they should be discussed with your doctor. Certain complications, as with other medical and surgical treatments, may occur despite all efforts to prevent them. If severe bleeding develops, a blood transfusion may be required. Surgery may be required in rare cases to repair a blood artery that has been injured during the treatment.

As the doctor performs the procedure any kind of complication can occur and they are as follows:-

  • Bruising
  • Pain during Biopsy
  • Bleeding in the urine or inside the body during biopsy
  • Damage in nearby organs.
  • Infection

When a kidney biopsy is performed with an X-ray, the amount of radiation used is negligible. As a result, the danger of radiation exposure is minimal.

Inform your prescriber if you are pregnant or feel to be pregnant. Consult your healthcare professional about the risks of X-ray exposure to the foetus. A kidney biopsy is not always contraindicated during pregnancy. It may be necessary to protect the mother’s health. During a kidney biopsy, special precautions may be taken to safeguard both the mother and the fetus.

If you have an ongoing kidney infection, certain bleeding diseases, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or only one working kidney, you may be unable to get a kidney biopsy.

There can be even other risks also depending on your medical condition. Before the operation, discuss any concerns you have with your healthcare professional.

Before the kidney biopsy what preparations should be done?

Before the biopsy, for two weeks, you should not take any kind of medications such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Advil, and Nuprin, Or other medicines that make the blood thin because these medicines can change the way the blood clots and raise the risk of bleeding. You should also discontinue taking some supplements, such as fish oil, for the same reason. Before the kidney biopsy, blood and urine samples are normally obtained to ensure that you do not have an infection or another problem. Your doctor may also advise you to discontinue any other drugs before the biopsy. You may be instructed not to eat or drink for eight hours before the surgery.

What’s the procedure needed to perform a Biopsy?

A kidney biopsy is often performed at a hospital. An overnight stay may be required to keep an eye out for any complications. You could be awake with only light sedation, or you could be asleep with general anaesthesia. You’ll be face down on the floor, with a pillow beneath your rib cage. You will be lying on your back if the biopsy is on a transplanted kidney.

Percutaneous biopsy:

Percutaneous biopsy: It is a process where one can get the biopsy done through the needle placed above the skin of the kidney and guided to the right place in the kidney, mainly with the help of Ultrasound. An ultrasound, x-ray pictures, or both are used to locate the kidney. A dye injection into your veins may be required at times to assist the doctor in locating the kidney and critical blood vessels.

Once the biopsy site has been identified, your skin is marked and cleansed at the area where the biopsy needle will be put. A local anesthetic will be administered to numb the area where the biopsy needle will be inserted. As the doctor inserts the needle, you will be urged to take a deep breath and hold it. You may feel a “pop” or pressure as the needle penetrates the skin and enters the kidney. It is critical to remain still and hold your breath (about 45 seconds or less).

Sometimes two needle passes are needed to get enough of the kidney sample for diagnosis. When enough is taken, the needle is removed and a bandage is placed over the needle puncture site. The entire procedure, from start to finish, usually lasts about one hour. Sometimes the biopsy may take longer than an hour.

Open kidney Biopsy

In this procedure, the sample of the kidney is taken directly from the kidney during surgery. Afterward, it is sent to the pathology lab to check if any signs of disease are there. The pathologist will check if any signs and diseases are there.

Some people should avoid having a percutaneous biopsy because they have a history of bleeding issues. In certain cases, an open procedure may be performed so that the doctor may see the kidney and obtain a good sample to study.

After the kidney biopsy, what precautions should be taken?

As instructed by the doctor, you may need to rest in bed for 12 to 24 hours following the biopsy. Staying in bed allows the location where the kidney sample was obtained to heal and reduces the risk of bleeding. Your blood pressure and pulse are tested frequently to search for signs of internal bleeding or other disorders. Blood testing is also performed. After the biopsy, you may eat and drink fluids. If your blood tests, blood pressure, and pulse are consistent, you should be able to leave the hospital the next day.

What is a kidney transplant biopsy?

A kidney transplant biopsy is a minimally invasive process in which a biopsy needle is guided into the transplanted kidney using ultrasonography. A tissue sample from the transplanted kidney is obtained by a renal transplant biopsy. The acquired tissue sample is evaluated under a microscope for signs of rejection or any underlying renal illness.

A transplant kidney biopsy is performed as a screening test or to determine what is wrong with a kidney that is not functioning properly. It delivers more information than a noninvasive method could (for eg:-ultrasound or x-ray). Biopsies are thought to be the best way to diagnose issues with transplanted kidneys.

Why is a kidney transplant biopsy done?

A transplant kidney biopsy is performed to screen for previously unknown issues with the kidney (for example, infections) or when there are indicators that the kidney is not functioning properly. Kidney disease can emerge at any time after the transplant, and biopsies can aid in the diagnosis and treatment of these issues, little or no urine flow, fever, high blood pressure, and abnormal test readings are all symptoms of a problem. One of them could be an increase in serum creatinine. Other symptoms may include blood or protein in the urine, damage to the kidney’s filtration components, or kidney disease with no apparent cause. A biopsy can detect kidney rejection before symptoms appear, increasing the chances of improved long-term outcomes.

 Why choose Dr. Nisha Gaur for kidney biopsy treatment in Jaipur?

Dr. Nisha Gaur is the best women nephrologist in Jaipur. She is well known for providing the best services in kidney transplants, kidney Biopsy, chronic kidney disease care, peritoneal dialysis, and hemodialysis. Dr. Nisha has been working in this field for more than the last 6 years and has a great knowledge of all the positive and negative consequences of any procedure. She provides the best treatment to an individual as per their medical condition.

Not only does she provide good treatment but also helps with moral support and provides comfort to the patient and their family too.

Frequently Asked Question about kidney biopsy.

Q:1 How much time will it take to recover from the kidney biopsy?

Ans- After the kidney biopsy you will be instructed to lie on your back for many hours. After that, you should rest for 2 to 3 days and avoid intense activities. It is common to experience discomfort in the biopsy site for 2 to 3 days. After the test, you may see some bleeding on the bandage.

Q:2 On average how much does a kidney biopsy cost?

Ans-The average kidney biopsy costs start from 7000-30000.

Q:3 Is kidney biopsy painful?

Ans- Yes, the pain lasts for a few hours after a kidney biopsy.

Q:4 What is not allowed just before the kidney biopsy?

Ans-Just two weeks before the kidney biopsy you are not allowed to take any medications, As it causes the thinning of the blood.

Q:5 How to identify when a kidney biopsy is required?

Ans- When an initial test suggests an area of tissue is not normal then a doctor recommends a biopsy.