What Are First Signs of Kidney Disease?

What Are First Signs of Kidney Disease?

Kidney disease is believed to be one of the most global health issues faced by the modern world. Being the organs assigned to filter wastes in the blood and control the quantity of fluid in the body, the kidneys are susceptible to complications of various types. Knowing any preliminary symptoms and early symptoms of kidney disease is crucial as the disease can only be well controlled if diagnosed early. For those in need of specialized care, consulting the best nephrologist in Jaipur can make a significant difference in managing the disease effectively. However, when discussing all those aspects, it is essential to find out what kidney disease is, what leads to the development of this condition, what marks the first symptoms of the disease, and whether it is possible to influence the processes that are initiating the development of the disease.

What Can Cause Kidney Disease? 

Education on all possible causes that culminate in the formation of this disease is critical in the fight against the disease. The signs of kidney disease are as follows:


Diabetes is the most prevalent comorbidities that increase a patient’s vulnerability to developing kidney disease. The high sugar level may damage the kidney blood vessels if exposed for a long time, causing a hindrance towards the ability of the blood to filter.


Consequently, hypertension directly affects the kidney in a way that high pressure is exerted on the organs that may be harmed. As a disease, it constricts blood vessels in the kidneys and, therefore, dilution of blood.

Polycystic Kidney problem

This congenital disease causes the formation of numerous cysts that affect kidneys and could lead to kidney failure. Some cysts may develop and increase in number and size and will finally result in the kidney’s enlargement or even order. Slightly or not at all, they become ineffective in purifying blood.

Kidney Stones and Infections 

It should be mentioned that if there are severe infections, kidney symptoms become involved and they develop chronic kidney disease. However, the formation of kidney stones damages the walls of the kidneys and the ureters as well, resulting in the formation of a blockage that leads to infection. Among the various kidney disease risk factors are severe infections and the presence of kidney stones, which can significantly contribute to the development and progression of chronic kidney disease.

Medications and Toxins 

Sometimes they affect the kidney negatively by providing drugs and toxic substances. This is a list of medications that can affect the kidneys if a person consumes them in large amounts; NSAIDs and antibiotics.

Genetic related Factors

Hereditary conditions such as Alport syndrome or Congenital Anomalies expose one to the chances of contracting kidney diseases. These may lead to architectural abnormalities in the structure of the kidney or in the functionality of the organ.

What are symptoms related to kidney disease?

Since the early stages of kidney disease are latent, the symptoms become apparent only in the late stage. Some indicators may include:

Frequency in Urination 

High frequency of urination, mainly at night, maybe in the early stage of kidney disease. This is because the kidney may be unable to concentrate the urine, resulting in the individual having to make more trips to the washroom.

Changes in Urine Appearance 

High levels of pro-thin, painful kidney symptoms , any discoloration in urine such as dark-coloured urine or urine with blood in it, or any cloudy urine are associated with a kidney problem. Other signs include the passage of frothy urine due to excess proteins.


Swelling in the legs, ankles, feet, or around the eyes and periorbital enema may be indicative of kidney illness. This happens because the kidneys are not playing their role of eliminating all fluids from the body, resulting in enema.


Symptoms such as fatigue and muscle weakness must have been caused by anemia, a condition well understood to occur in patients with AKD. Practical application involves pacemaker cells located in the heart, which can be abnormally fed back to increase or decrease its beating rate. Signs of kidney disease, such as these, highlight the critical role kidneys play in overall health. Kidneys release erythropoietin that stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells, which is well known; in cases of kidney disease, red blood cell production is interfered with, further exacerbating symptoms like fatigue and weakness.


There are numerous labelled waste products and they are created in the body; sometimes they are circulated in the blood and cause itching which is known as pruritus. This is so because the kidneys can no longer remove these substances from blood and they therefore build up to toxic levels in the body fluids.

Nausea and Vomiting 

The toxication leads to the increase of toxins in the bloodstream and the coronary effects of it can be presented by such signs as vomiting. Such signs may suggest that the body has ceased to balance in this regard due to what seems to be kidney dysfunction.

Back Pain 

Some people hold the belief that it is rather possible to have lower back pain or feel discomfort in that part due to kidney disease, for example, when there is a kidney infection or when there are kidney stones. Since it has been mentioned that infections can manifest as flank pains, for instance, pyelonephritis.

Shortness of Breath 

Consequently, the enema which results from kidney problems impacts the lungs and a kidney common symptom is shortness of breath. It can be accompanied by some chest pains; sometimes one feels as if around the chest is tight; this can be due to fluid retention or anaemia.

Can Kidney Disease be possible to reverse?

It has been pointed out that when kidney disease is identified and the cause is dealt with adequately, the progression can be arrested or even reversed in the early stages. For example:

Managing Diabetes and Hypertension 

Strict glycaemic/hypertensive control ensures no increased complications to the renal tissues and an improved renal function prognosis. Thus, medication and other lifestyle adjustments to suit such conditions are critical.

Lifestyle Changes 

A kidney-friendly diet, low levels of salt intake, cessation of smoking, and weight control are helpful in kidney care, as well as preventing the increase in kidney deterioration. The other seven include exercising frequently and minimising alcohol intake, among others.


Administering drugs that will bring symptomatic control and definitive treatments for diseases that might be causative factors or related to elevated blood pressure, inflammation, or infections may be helpful in preserving the kidneys’ function. Some of the drugs that can help include substances like ACE inhibitors or ARBs. 

Dialysis and Transplantation 

In further classes of renal disorders, particularly in CKD stages 4 and 5, where the kidneys are compromised in function or almost nonfunctional, the cure primarily relies on the relief of signs and components that might worsen the condition.


Hence, the first signs of kidney disease are vital to identify at an early stage so that the proper treatment can be commenced immediately. Usual warning signs, including alterations in urination, swelling, and tiredness, are signs that need more evaluation.Dr. Nisha Gaur is the most reputed Nephrologist doctor in Jaipur and has years of work experience and is the Best Nephrologist in Jaipur for Chronic Kidney Disease Care and also for treating ailments such as Kidney Transplantation, Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and Kidney Biopsy.

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