The 9 Most Common Early symptoms of kidney problem

The 9 Most Common Early symptoms of kidney problem

An Overview Of Kidney Disease

Several disorders can disrupt the normal functioning of the kidneys, collectively referred to as kidney disease or renal disease. The kidneys are essential because they cleanse the blood, eliminate waste, and maintain a healthy balance of electrolytes, hormones, and fluids. The most common type is chronic kidney disease (CKD), frequently brought on by illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension. It develops gradually and can result in renal failure, requiring dialysis or a transplant if left untreated. Acute kidney injury (AKI) refers to a sudden decrease in kidney function, which is typically brought on by infections or the use of certain drugs. The detection through early symptoms of kidney problems, changes in lifestyle, and medical therapy are all essential components in kidney disease management and the maintenance of kidney function.

9 Most Common Early Symptoms of Kidney Problems

Changes In Urination:- 

Alterations in urine patterns are one of the early symptoms of kidney problems. This may manifest as an increased need to urinate, particularly during the night (a condition known as nocturia), frothy or bubbly pee, blood in the urine (a condition known as hematuria), or trouble urinating.


Oedema, another name for swelling, is one of the most common early symptoms of kidney problems. It manifests most frequently in the hands, feet, ankles, or face, and its symptoms may become more severe at different times of the day or after extended bouts of sitting or standing.

 Fatigue And Weakness:- 

The accumulation of toxins and waste products in the body, which occurs when kidney function decreases, is the cause of exhaustion and weakness. The disease known as anaemia, characterized by a low red blood cell count, can also contribute to feelings of weariness.

Shortness Of Breath:- 

The accumulation of fluid in the lungs, which can be a symptom of kidney illness, can make breathing harder or cause shortness of breath, particularly during strenuous physical exercise.

Persistent Itching:- 

A buildup of waste products in the blood can be an early symptom of kidney problems, which can cause intense itching that most commonly affects the skin but can also spread to other parts of the body. This condition is known as urticaria.

High Blood Pressure:- 

Kidney disease can cause high blood pressure (also known as hypertension) or worsen the condition of those who already have it. Healthy kidneys are essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure. High blood pressure can further damage the kidneys, causing a vicious cycle of increasing renal dysfunction.

Changes In Appetite And Weight Loss:- 

A loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting are among the symptoms that can accompany kidney illness. Consequently, some people may suffer a loss of weight that they did not intend.

Muscle Cramps And Twitches:- 

Kidney disease can cause an imbalance of electrolytes, resulting in cramping and muscle twitching. A lack of calcium and potassium can cause this.

Trouble Concentrating And Mental Fog:- 

The accumulation of waste materials in the blood can affect brain function, resulting in difficulty concentrating, memory issues, and mental fogginess. This effect can occur when kidney function declines.

How To Improve Your Kidney Health?


Maintaining a healthy level of hydration is essential for proper kidney function. Consuming an appropriate amount of water assists in flushing out waste products and toxins from the body, reducing the strain placed on the kidneys. Aim to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily, but remember that your requirements may vary depending on factors such as the climate where you live, your degree of physical activity, and your overall health.

Balanced And Healthy Diet:- 

Adopting a diet that is both well-balanced and nutritious can have a considerable impact on one’s kidney health. Your meals should contain various foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats. Because overeating processed food, foods that are heavy in salt, and red meat can stress the kidneys and contribute to high blood pressure, it is important to limit how much of each you consume.

Manage Blood Pressure:- 

The most common contributor to kidney disease is hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. To maintain healthy kidney function, it is essential to regularly check and control one’s blood pressure within a normal range. You should work closely with your healthcare practitioner to build a specific treatment plan if you have hypertension. This plan may involve changes to both your lifestyle and your drug regimen.

Control Blood Sugar Levels:- 

Diabetes is another critical condition that significantly increases the likelihood of developing renal disease. If you have diabetes, you must effectively manage your blood sugar levels with a proper diet, regular physical activity, and the medicine your doctor prescribed for you. Keeping a close eye on and under control of your blood sugar levels can aid in preventing kidney injury.

Regular Exercise:- 

Regular physical activity has several positive effects on one’s health, including improving one’s kidney health. Exercising contributes to managing one’s weight, cardiovascular health, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels and promoting overall health. Aim for at least 150 minutes of activity per week at a moderate level, such as brisk walking or swimming.

In conclusion, recognizing the early symptoms of kidney problems and seeking medical examination as soon as possible are essential for detecting and managing renal illness. Taking preventative measures to improve one’s kidney health can have a sizeable and positive effect on one’s overall health and quality of life.


Chronic kidney disease is a serious illness if you keep ignoring the symptoms it even worsens with time if left untreated,  so it is important to talk to the general health practitioner The more you delayed the more it became difficult to treat chronic kidney disease stages.   If you are facing severe Most Common Kidney Diseases, then you should consult Dr. Nisha Gaur. Dr. Nisha Gaur is the most reputed Nephrologist doctor in Jaipur and has years of work experience and is the Best Nephrologist in Jaipur for Chronic Kidney Disease Care and also for treating ailments such as Kidney Transplantation, Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and Kidney Biopsy.


What are the early signs of kidney disease?

Fatigue, swelling in the hands and feet, changes in urination frequency, frothy urine, blood in the urine, and persistent back pain are early symptoms of kidney problems. Kidney disease can also be diagnosed with a kidney biopsy.

How is kidney disease diagnosed?

Tests on the patient’s blood and urine can evaluate kidney function. Imaging tests such as an ultrasound or CT scan can help diagnose kidney illness. In some situations, a kidney biopsy is necessary to diagnose and treat kidney disease effectively.

Can kidney disease be cured?

There are several kidney disorders, some of which can be adequately treated and controlled, while others, particularly chronic renal diseases, may not have a treatment at all. The earlier a disease is detected and treated, the better the chance of a positive outcome.

How can I support someone with kidney disease?

Help someone dealing with kidney illness by showing them compassion and understanding, assisting them with day-to-day responsibilities, encouraging them to stick to their treatment plan, and being there for them when they need emotional and practical assistance.

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