Category Archives: Blog

Kidneys are small deposits that solidify and shape in kidneys and turn into terrible pain when they move through the urinary system. However, it is essential to note that the formation of kidney stones requires medical intervention, but most of them can be avoided through effective alterations in people’s lifestyles. In this blog, Dr Nisha Gaur describes five practices that one should engage in daily to prevent the recurrent formation of kidney stones. Introduction People should predictably drink water to avoid the formation of kidney stones, but they should know that sweat also influences this process. If you are a resident of a hot climate or an athlete who vigorously exercises, you will likely lose more fluids than you can imagine. Water restriction reduces the dilution of soluble substances like calcium and oxalate in the urine and so reduces the ability to prevent stone formation. To get around this, take…

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What Are First Signs of Kidney Disease?

Kidney disease is believed to be one of the most global health issues faced by the modern world. Being the organs assigned to filter wastes in the blood and control the quantity of fluid in the body, the kidneys are susceptible to complications of various types. Knowing any preliminary symptoms and early symptoms of kidney disease is crucial as the disease can only be well controlled if diagnosed early. For those in need of specialized care, consulting the best nephrologist in Jaipur can make a significant difference in managing the disease effectively. However, when discussing all those aspects, it is essential to find out what kidney disease is, what leads to the development of this condition, what marks the first symptoms of the disease, and whether it is possible to influence the processes that are initiating the development of the disease. What Can Cause Kidney Disease?  Education on all possible…

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If you are one of the many individuals in India who suffer from kidney stones, you know how painful and uncomfortable the experience can be. The good news is that there are effective treatments and popular remedies available that can provide fast relief and help you regain your quality of life. we will explore various approaches to kidney stone relief, ranging from natural remedies and dietary modifications to medical interventions. By understanding the different options available, you can make an informed decision about the best course of action for your specific situation. Whether you prefer natural treatments, prescription medications, or non-invasive procedures, there is a solution that can help alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by kidney stones. Let’s dive into the top remedies and treatments that have been proven to be effective in providing fast relief. Understanding Kidney Stones Before delving into the remedies and treatments, it is crucial…

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